Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My monroe.

okwell, I'm gonna make this explanation short and sweet:
For a long time I really wanted my 'monroe' pierced, which is a piercing in the same spot Marilyn Monroe had her beauty mark just because I thought it was cute and it's just one of those things I've always wanted to do.

My parents were never going to be okay with it..but because I was open and honest about it they let me get one! So today, I went and got it done!



kaRa said...

It looks really cute on you!!
i've been wanting to get a monroe for a while now too...just freaked out im gonna look like a duck for a few days :)

samilove said...

You know what? I actually thought I would swell up really bad...but I've had it for two days now and no swelling. and the only redness around the piercing is from the clamp the piercer uses to hold down your lip with.

I say get it, you won't look like a duck!

kaRa said...

Thanks for the info!