Sunday, August 17, 2008

I'm hilarious.

I keep saying that I'll update this thing more and I never end up doing it. haha. I haven't even been updating the livejournal that I've had for four+ years lately. I just have too many things going on (even though it seems like I don't since I'm not back at work yet or anything).

So, this is my catch-up entry to follow up my month stay with my brother, sister-in-law, and monkey nephews (Even though it's been around two weeks since I've been back): I had a great time.
I didn't get to see the friends I used to have when I lived in Buffalo Grove as much as I wanted to (I only got to spend time with one friend throughout my entire trip)...but I was okay with that because I got so much closer with my brother then I have in my entire life and I also developed a stronger relationship with my sisterinlaw and I got to spend time with my nephews that I barely get to see. Yes, there were times where I wanted to just punch my brother in the face...but no matter what went on during my stay, it was a great experience and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

And not gonna lie, when I came back...I already missed being there and being around the family I barely get to see and being able to watch my nephews learn new things and "grow up" while I was there. And while I was comfortable with the life I had before I went to Chicago as far as my friends, job, school, etc. After my month stay, I have become more and more excited and anxious to move back to Illinois and go to Columbia College.

Well, now, I have that choice! I was given the opportunity by the Chicago Maidy's to stay with them and help take care of my nephews and work towards my goal of being able to go to Columbia. And while this offer has come at a time that is very time constraining...I have a great opportunity to experience. I'm still thinking about it even though I don't have much time left before fall semester starts and when they would need me up there...but I know whatever decision I stick with will be the best for me.

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