Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My art.

So for as long as I can remember I've always been drawing. When I was a little girl I was convinced that I would grow up and become a famous artist. But after awhile...I stopped thinking that because I didn't think my drawings were any good. Once I hit junior high and high school, I started drawing again and without taking drawing classes...I would doodle everywhere and eventually got better.
So for my second semester in college, I decided I would take two art classes...because since they don't offer any fashion or sewing classes at a community college level...I might as well perfect my drawing skills to help better my renderings.

I am completely in love with my art classes. I take a drawing class every Monday and Wednesday and a Design Fundamentals class every Tuesday and Thursday, and only one week in and I am already excited to take more art classes in upcoming semesters.

My first project for my Design Fundamentals class was to create 6 drawings using any materials we wish, and take a certain viewpoint of a picture and recreate it.
These are 5/6 I came up with:


Susan said...


Your drawings are beautiful! You are a very talented young lady and I know you will go far!

I miss seeing my jewish daughter! Hope all is well with you!

Taryn said...

good work...I have this major addiction to drawing eye's and lips...you did real good on your eye sketch