Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sami vs. Tonsils

So my throat started bothering me Tuesday night but I didn't really think much of it and yesterday it started to get more annoying. I checked my tonsils in the mirror and saw my right tonsil was inflamed and had white patches all over. I took Dayquil and Airborne all day and last night I checked out my tonsils again and the left one was inflamed and the right one got bigger and almost engulfed my entire throat hole and had more white patches.

I went to Jack's ENT this morning and he told me I have a minor case of Tonsilitis. AWESOME. Third times the charm.
So now I'm on an antibiotic for 10 days and he said if I have any more throat problems within the year I should consider getting a tonsillectomy. whatajoke.

I hate my tonsils.

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