Friday, April 25, 2008

Me vs. Morgan Freeman

Yeahyeah, I know, I haven't updated in ages. I've been working nonstop, always busy with school...never any time for anything.

BUT I bring one of my newest art projects for my Design Basics class and probably one of my favourite pieces I've ever done.

So, the assignment was to create a self portrait using texture. So I did just that.
I embroidered the outlines of my face, hair, lips, nose, used acrylic paint for the rest of the portrait as well as fabric for my headband and felt for my top.

My mum loved it so much that she framed it and hung it on a wall in the family room so that when I look out of my bedroom door I am literally staring myself in the face.

This is the view from my bedroom:

And what I find to be the funniest part is that My mum hung it on the wall next to the portrait my brother drew of Morgan Freeman his senior year of high school. Now, my brother is an extremely good artist...and I think my painting pales in comparison to his...but my mum insisted on them being right next to each other.

This is my brother's portrait of Morgan Freeman:

And this is what my family room looks like with them both in it:

PS: I can't even begin to explain how excited I'm getting to be in Chicago for an entire month. I'm overjoyed.